Tuesday, March 28, 2006

What Good does it do??

I read the post on the termination boards and I reply here. Here in my space and with no limits or fear of being deleted. I can tell my story here about how valuable my child is about how full my life is and about the heartbreak I see in the acts of women that abort babies with Down syndrome.

It strikes me though how that anger comes across so strong and it becomes the message not showing the beauty of Down syndrome. I started this blog not intended to share it. I didn't try to keep it private I just didn't expect so many people to start to read it. Please keep that in mind when you read my posts they are in response to specific things on the BC boards and usually I am angry when I write them or very hurt at the thought of another baby with Down syndrome that will never take a breath.

They post the days you know the day when they are going to terminate. They post "Tomorrow I am going for my termination" All day that next day I think of the life of that child and it hurts. So the anger you feel here is not because of my son or my life. That only brings me joy. The anger that you feel here is for that baby like the little one on Monday that will die before he ever had a chance to change anyones mind about Down syndrome.


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