Saturday, March 18, 2006

Why it matters.

From the first time I learned that so many women prenatally diagnosised to have a baby with Down syndrome will abort that baby as late as 28 weeks (sometimes even later) I was shocked that loved and wanted babies are loved and wanted conditionally.

I couldn't comprehend it. Still can't.

I wasn't raised to be judgemental. My Grandmother was the most gentle woman she was always kind always soft spoken and could show people their mistakes in a way that didn't make them defensive. Diplomatic it can be called. A peace maker. Someone that never had ulterior motives only cared about helping a person do better, be better, live better. Grandma never tried to make people feel bad for their mistakes or failures. She loved people with no conditions. She was friendly to the lowest of the low and was respected by everyone. She hugged people that stunk so bad you could not sit near them. She sat beside people that you could see lice moving in their hair. Grandma believed that everyone was worthy of love. She set this example of acceptence that I tried for so long to follow.

What happened to me??? Why do I look at those that terminated for Down syndrome and ONLY see the choice. The choice that takes value away from MY LIFE.
THEIR choice. They say has nothing to do with me. WHY then did the segregation and mistreatment of African American's call together the whole race of people to unite and fight against that injustice.
BECAUSE saying you are not worthy meant we are not worthy and what was done to one is done to all. When a Mother is told her baby has Down syndrome and she chooses to take that babies life and send it to God or whatever they say they do, HER choice directly touches MY child and MY LIFE. HER choice is a statement that THIS LOVED and WANTED baby is not GOOD ENOUGH because it has Down syndrome.

PEOPLE that try for years and years and have a MIRACLE pregnancy. Still abort for Down syndrome????? Do they even DESERVE a baby. GLAD I am not the deciding member on that jury. IT makes no sense. Babies eat, sleep, cry, and poop. So do babies with Down syndrome. Toddlers walk get into things and give the most ferious hugs, So do Toddlers with Down syndrome. Children run, laugh, play, go to school, make friends,
read, write, learn, grown, love, disobey, SO do Children with Down syndrome. THE difference is the perception. IF YOU PERCEIVE your life to be LESS then it will be. If you can be flexible to your dreams and the world that exists for people with Down syndrome then you perceive you life in a very different way.

That is what everything comes down to. How do you perceive the life of a child with Down syndrome??


Blogger Michelle said...

Bravo! You said it and you said it well!

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a lovely post, and so very true.

9:51 PM  

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