I Feel Sorry
I know what loss is like. I know what it feels like to never stop loving or missing your baby.
I feel so sorry for anyone that has made the choice to terminate a pregnancy due to ANY reason. I know what it is like to have a fatal diagnosis.
The world for people that has had to make these choices is not a happy one. They HURT they really really hurt. I have seen it in my friend. I hear it in your words. I recognize it in the pain that flows off the page. I know how bad it feels to loose a baby. So why would I say anything to make you feel worse than you do?? It isn't about YOU it is about all the people with Down syndrome that will never have the chance to live because their Mommy's think and feel the way that YOU feel. Because they do not KNOW any better.
Destroying a whole group of people because that you do not understand them or you do not see their purpose HAS been done and People now realize how wrong that was.
If Down syndrome did not exist. There would be a whole lot LESS love and joy in this world. Variety and being different why is that seen to be so bad???
Why isn't the every day joys of having a child with Down syndrome apparent to those that doesn't have a child with Down syndrome???? People are BLIND to it because they are scared of it.
90% could be more decide to abort when they learn their baby has Down syndrome.
So many people being lead by misconceptions and scary medical talk. If they could see through my eyes just for an hour. It would change their mind. I KNOW that with my whole heart. So I want to show people what life is like for children that has Down syndrome. Not just for the children with Down syndrome that are the "White area's" the children with Down syndrome that if someone could guarantee you would have you would have made a different choice. I want you to see my child the child that you are scared of and my life the life you so strongly reject and I want people that are told their baby will have Down syndrome to realize hey that isn't so bad or so scary and the grey area people so talk about with me all gone.
I feel so sorry for anyone that has made the choice to terminate a pregnancy due to ANY reason. I know what it is like to have a fatal diagnosis.
The world for people that has had to make these choices is not a happy one. They HURT they really really hurt. I have seen it in my friend. I hear it in your words. I recognize it in the pain that flows off the page. I know how bad it feels to loose a baby. So why would I say anything to make you feel worse than you do?? It isn't about YOU it is about all the people with Down syndrome that will never have the chance to live because their Mommy's think and feel the way that YOU feel. Because they do not KNOW any better.
Destroying a whole group of people because that you do not understand them or you do not see their purpose HAS been done and People now realize how wrong that was.
If Down syndrome did not exist. There would be a whole lot LESS love and joy in this world. Variety and being different why is that seen to be so bad???
Why isn't the every day joys of having a child with Down syndrome apparent to those that doesn't have a child with Down syndrome???? People are BLIND to it because they are scared of it.
90% could be more decide to abort when they learn their baby has Down syndrome.
So many people being lead by misconceptions and scary medical talk. If they could see through my eyes just for an hour. It would change their mind. I KNOW that with my whole heart. So I want to show people what life is like for children that has Down syndrome. Not just for the children with Down syndrome that are the "White area's" the children with Down syndrome that if someone could guarantee you would have you would have made a different choice. I want you to see my child the child that you are scared of and my life the life you so strongly reject and I want people that are told their baby will have Down syndrome to realize hey that isn't so bad or so scary and the grey area people so talk about with me all gone.
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